Army unveils 25th Infantry Division uniform for Army-Navy Game

On Sunday evening, the Army Black Knights football program unveiled their latest special uniforms for the Army-Navy Game. 

This year’s Army-Navy game uniform honors the 25th Infantry Division, which is highlighted for its battles in the Korean War. In 1953, the 25th Infantry Division adopted “Tropic Lightning” as its official moniker to represent the speed at which they accomplish their missions. This moniker appears on the front right chest area of the Army green jersey. On the right sleeve is an era accurate US flag during the time of the Korean War, which only had 48 stars on it (Alaska and Hawaii weren’t states yet).

In addition to the 25th, this year’s uniform also honors a sub unit of the 25th, the 27th Infantry Regiments Wolfhounds. The Wolfhounds were the first American Regiment to completely defeat a full-scale North Korean attack. Inside the back collar is the Wolvehound’s motto “Nec Aspera Terrent”, which has multiple translations in Latin including No Fear on Earth, Frightened By No Difficulties, and Difficulties be Damned. The uniform continues to highlight the Wolfhounds by having the nickname run down each side of the dark green pants.

The dark green helmet features the 25th’s iconic shoulder insignia, a lightning bolt superimposed on a taro leaf, in gold and red on each side. Soldiers have often referred to the insignia as the “Electric Strawberry”. Also on the helmet is a helmet sticker of one of the 25th’s sub units.

The Wolfhounds are also known for the last major American Bayonet charge, which was when Lewis Millett led his soldiers through heavy opposing fire with only bayonets and hand grenades.

The Army will face Navy on Saturday, December 12.
