On Wednesday, the Winston-Salem Dash introduced a new primary logo as the team begins the 2020 season in a few months. The new logo features an intertwined “W” and “S” in the same font seen on the White Sox’s, the team’s major league affiliate, throwback jersey. All of the Dash’s uniforms and caps will use the new logo.
“We are excited to share our new logo with the community,” said Dash Team President C.J. Johnson. “We feel like this new look ties in the great history of professional baseball in Winston-Salem, while having a fresh look for the future.”
The Dash name is a reference to the dash in the city name. The logo the team has used since the nickname was created in 2009 featured an “angry baseball” according to Johnson. The “angry baseball” logo will no longer be used.
The Variable, a local advertising agency, was hired to come up with a new look.
“We challenged them to come up with a brand that had a traditional look, but with fresh touches,” said Johnson. “As opposed to some of newer, cartoonish logos [in Minor League Baseball], we wanted a classic feel. We felt that was the right route to go and we think they nailed it. A throwback, but with kind of a fresh look to it.”
With the new logo, the team has also decided to move purple as the primary color to a secondary color, with black and white being the more prominent colors (like their parent club).
The team will unveil the remainder of the new uniforms in February.